# Ansible role with docker stack with high available Prometheus + Alertmanager + Thanos ## Prerequisites 2 VMs with docker installed. Also you should have ansible installed on your PC. You should copy your ssh key to these servers under `root` user. It can be done with `ssh-copy-id` command. ## Installation For deploying Grafana, Prometheus, Alertmanager and Thanos in HA mode do these actions: 1. Clone repo ``` git clone https://github.com/digitalstudium/ha-prometheus.git ``` 2. Change `hosts.ini` file. You should have exactly two hosts under `[servers]` group and asbitrary number of hosts in `exporters` group. 3. Add `tg_bot_token` and `tg_chat_id` variables if you want to get alerts to Telegram group. 4. Deploy monitoring ```bash ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts.ini --user root ``` That's it! After 5 minutes sor so you'll get Grafana installed on both hosts of `servers` group. Default user/password admin/admin