Remove "all" api resource

This commit is contained in:
Digital Studium 2024-07-28 11:16:33 +03:00
parent 6fbe3d1e24
commit 2bd5a8664f
1 changed files with 5 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ KEY_BINDINGS = { # can be extended
BATCAT_STYLE = " --paging always --style numbers"
# which api resources are on the top of menu?
TOP_API_RESOURCES = ["pods", "services", "configmaps", "secrets", "persistentvolumeclaims", "ingresses", "nodes",
"deployments", "statefulsets", "daemonsets", "storageclasses", "all"]
"deployments", "statefulsets", "daemonsets", "storageclasses"]
HELP_TEXT = ("letters: filter mode, Esc: exit filter mode or exit kls, 1/Enter: get yaml, 2: describe, 3: edit, "
"4: logs, 5: exec, 6: debug, arrows/TAB/PgUp/PgDn: navigation")
@ -79,11 +79,6 @@ def refresh_third_menu(namespace: str, api_resource: str):
menu = menus[2]
previous_menu_rows = menu.rows
if api_resource and namespace:
if api_resource == "all":
cmd = ("api-resources --verbs=get --namespaced -o name | grep -v events | xargs -n 1 kubectl get"
f" --show-kind --namespace {namespace} --ignore-not-found --no-headers -o name")
menu.rows = kubectl(cmd)
menu.rows = kubectl(f"-n {namespace} get {api_resource} --no-headers --ignore-not-found")
index_before_update = menu.filtered_rows.index
menu.filtered_rows = CircularList([x for x in menu.rows if menu.filter in x]) # update filtered rows
@ -99,14 +94,11 @@ def refresh_third_menu(namespace: str, api_resource: str):
def handle_key_bindings(key: str, namespace: str, api_resource: str, resource: str):
if not resource:
if key in ("4", "5", "6"):
if api_resource not in ["pods", "all"] or (api_resource == "all" and not resource.startswith("pod/")):
if key in ("4", "5", "6") and api_resource != "pods" and not resource.startswith("pod/"):
curses.def_prog_mode() # save the previous terminal state
curses.endwin() # without this, there are problems after exiting vim
command = KEY_BINDINGS[key].format(namespace=namespace, api_resource=api_resource, resource=resource)
if api_resource == "all":
command = command.replace(" all", "")
if "batcat" in command:
command += BATCAT_STYLE, shell=True)
@ -258,3 +250,4 @@ def main(screen):
if __name__ == "__main__":
curses.wrapper(main)"tput reset", shell=True)