Fix keybindings

This commit is contained in:
Digital Studium 2024-12-17 17:28:39 +03:00
parent 81235aa774
commit 7a979b62f1
2 changed files with 60 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Supports mouse navigation as well as keyboard navigation.
## Key bindings
### For kubectl
You can customize these bindings or add extra bindings in `KEY_BINDINGS` variable of `kls` in a row #5:
- `g` - get yaml of resource
- `d` - describe resource
- `e` - edit resource
- `l` - logs of pod
- `Enter` - exec to pod
- `n` - network debug of pod (with nicolaka/netshoot container attached)
- `Ctrl+y` - get yaml of resource
- `Ctrl+d` - describe resource
- `Ctrl+e` - edit resource
- `Ctrl+l` - logs of pod
- `Ctrl+x` - exec into pod
- `Ctrl+n` - network debug of pod (with nicolaka/netshoot container attached)
- `delete` - delete resource
### Other:
- / - enter filter mode
- `/` - enter filter mode
- `Escape` - exit filter mode or `kls` itself
- `Backspace` - remove letter from filter
- `TAB`, arrow keys, `PgUp`, `PgDn`, `Home`, `End` - navigation

View File

@ -1,27 +1,53 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess, curses, time
import curses.ascii
import sys
# constants
KEY_BINDINGS = { # can be extended
"y": 'kubectl -n {namespace} get {api_resource} {resource} -o yaml | batcat -l yaml',
"d": 'kubectl -n {namespace} describe {api_resource} {resource} | batcat -l yaml',
"e": 'kubectl -n {namespace} edit {api_resource} {resource}',
"l": 'kubectl -n {namespace} logs {resource} | batcat -l log',
"\n": 'kubectl -n {namespace} exec -it {resource} sh',
"n": 'kubectl -n {namespace} debug {resource} -it --image=nicolaka/netshoot', # network debug
"KEY_DC": 'kubectl -n {namespace} delete {api_resource} {resource}' # KEY_DC is the delete key
"^Y": {
"description": "View resource in YAML format",
"command": 'kubectl -n {namespace} get {api_resource} {resource} -o yaml | batcat -l yaml'
"^D": {
"description": "Describe resource",
"command": 'kubectl -n {namespace} describe {api_resource} {resource} | batcat -l yaml'
"^E": {
"description": "Edit resource",
"command": 'kubectl -n {namespace} edit {api_resource} {resource}'
"^L": {
"description": "View logs",
"command": 'kubectl -n {namespace} logs {resource} | batcat -l log'
"^X": {
"description": "Exec into pod",
"command": 'kubectl -n {namespace} exec -it {resource} sh'
"^N": {
"description": "Network debug",
"command": 'kubectl -n {namespace} debug {resource} -it --image=nicolaka/netshoot'
"KEY_DC": {
"description": "Delete resource",
"command": 'kubectl -n {namespace} delete {api_resource} {resource}'
BATCAT_STYLE = " --paging always --style numbers"
# which api resources are on the top of menu?
TOP_API_RESOURCES = ["pods", "services", "configmaps", "secrets", "persistentvolumeclaims", "ingresses", "nodes",
"deployments", "statefulsets", "daemonsets", "storageclasses"]
HELP_TEXT = ("/ : filter mode, Esc: exit filter mode or exit kls, Enter: exec into pod, d: describe, e: edit, "
"l: logs, n: network debug, arrows/TAB/PgUp/PgDn: navigation")
"deployments", "statefulsets", "daemonsets", "storageclasses"]
# Dynamically generate HELP_TEXT based on KEY_BINDINGS descriptions
HELP_TEXT = ", ".join(f"{key}: {binding['description']}" for key, binding in KEY_BINDINGS.items())
HELP_TEXT += ", /: filter mode, Esc: exit filter mode or exit kls, arrows/TAB/PgUp/PgDn: navigation"
SCREEN = curses.initscr() # screen initialization, needed for ROWS_HEIGHT working
HEADER_HEIGHT = 4 # in rows
ROWS_HEIGHT = curses.LINES - HEADER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT - 3 # maximum number of visible rows indices
ROWS_HEIGHT = curses.LINES - HEADER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT - 3 # maximum number of visible rows indices
WIDTH = curses.COLS
@ -72,7 +98,8 @@ def draw_menu(menu: Menu): # clear menu window
draw_row(, menu.title, 1, 2, selected=True if menu == selected_menu else False) # draw title
draw_rows(menu) # draw menu rows
draw_row(, f"/{menu.filter}" if menu.filter_mode else "", curses.LINES - FOOTER_HEIGHT - 2, 2) # draw filter row
draw_row(, f"/{menu.filter}" if menu.filter_mode else "", curses.LINES - FOOTER_HEIGHT - 2,
2) # draw filter row
def refresh_third_menu(namespace, api_resource):
@ -97,11 +124,11 @@ def refresh_third_menu(namespace, api_resource):
def handle_key_bindings(key: str, namespace: str, api_resource: str, resource: str):
if not resource:
if key in ("l", "\n", "n") and api_resource != "pods" and not resource.startswith("pod/"):
if key in ("l", "x", "n") and api_resource != "pods" and not resource.startswith("pod/"):
curses.def_prog_mode() # save the previous terminal state
curses.endwin() # without this, there are problems after exiting vim
command = KEY_BINDINGS[key].format(namespace=namespace, api_resource=api_resource, resource=resource)
command = KEY_BINDINGS[key]["command"].format(namespace=namespace, api_resource=api_resource, resource=resource)
if "batcat" in command:
command += BATCAT_STYLE, shell=True)
@ -132,7 +159,6 @@ def handle_filter_state(key: str, menu: Menu):
menus[2].visible_row_index = 0 # reset the visible row index of third menu before redrawing
def handle_mouse(menu: Menu):
@ -157,7 +183,7 @@ def handle_mouse(menu: Menu):
draw_row(, menu.title, 1, 2, selected=False) # remove selection from the current menu title
draw_row(, next_menu.title, 1, 2, selected=True) # and select the new menu title
menu = next_menu
char_int =[2], column_number - menu.begin_x - 1) # get char from current mouse position
char_int =[2], column_number - menu.begin_x - 1) # get char from current mouse position
char_str = chr(char_int & 0xFF)
if not char_str or ord(char_str) > 127 or ' ' in char_str:
@ -176,10 +202,11 @@ def handle_vertical_navigation(key: str, menu: Menu):
if menu.filtered_rows.size > menu.rows_height:
menu.visible_row_index = (menu.visible_row_index + keys_numbers[key]) % menu.filtered_rows.size # index of the selected visible row
menu.visible_row_index = (menu.visible_row_index + keys_numbers[
key]) % menu.filtered_rows.size # index of the selected visible row
elif key in ["KEY_NPAGE", "KEY_PPAGE"]:
menu.filtered_rows.shift(keys_numbers[key] * len(menu.visible_rows()))
elif key in ['KEY_HOME','KEY_END']:
elif key in ['KEY_HOME', 'KEY_END']:
menu.visible_row_index = keys_numbers[key]
if menu != menus[2]:
@ -208,9 +235,10 @@ def catch_input(menu: Menu):
handle_vertical_navigation(key, menu)
elif key == "KEY_MOUSE":
elif key in KEY_BINDINGS.keys():
handle_key_bindings(key, namespace(), api_resource(), resource())
elif key in ["/", "\x1b", "KEY_BACKSPACE", "\x08"] or key.isalnum() or key == "-": # \x1b - escape, \x08 - backspace
elif curses.ascii.unctrl(key) in KEY_BINDINGS.keys():
handle_key_bindings(curses.ascii.unctrl(key), namespace(), api_resource(), resource())
elif key in ["/", "\x1b", "KEY_BACKSPACE",
"\x08"] or key.isalnum() or key == "-": # \x1b - escape, \x08 - backspace
handle_filter_state(key, menu)
@ -221,7 +249,7 @@ def kubectl(command: str) -> list:
def enable_mouse_support():
curses.mousemask(curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION) # mouse tracking
print('\033[?1003h') # enable mouse tracking with the XTERM API. That's the magic
print('\033[?1003h') # enable mouse tracking with the XTERM API. That's the magic
def init_menus():
@ -233,7 +261,8 @@ def init_menus():
namespaces = kubectl("get ns --no-headers -o")
namespaces = kubectl("config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'") # if it is forbidden to list all namespaces
namespaces = kubectl(
"config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'") # if it is forbidden to list all namespaces
menus = [Menu("Namespaces", namespaces, 0, width_unit, ROWS_HEIGHT),
Menu("API resources", api_resources, width_unit, width_unit * 2, ROWS_HEIGHT),
Menu("Resources", [], width_unit * 3, WIDTH - width_unit * 3, ROWS_HEIGHT)]
@ -263,4 +292,3 @@ def main(screen):
if __name__ == "__main__":
curses.wrapper(main)"tput reset", shell=True)