# SSHTUI ## Description `sshtui` is a cli tool based on `ssh` for managing ssh connecctions via terminal. Inspired by `lf` and `ranger` file managers, written in python curses. It is lightweight (~250 lines of code) and easy to customize. Supports mouse navigation as well as keyboard navigation. ## Key bindings ### For ssh You can customize these bindings or add extra bindings in `KEY_BINDINGS` variable of `sshtui` in a row #6: - `Enter` - connect to host ### Other: - letters - enter filter mode and apply filter - `Escape` - exit filter mode or `sshtui` itself - `Backspace` - remove letter from filter - arrow keys, `PgUp`, `PgDn`, `Home`, `End` - navigation ## Dependencies - `python3` - `~/.ssh/config` file created with hosts inside it ## Installation Download latest `sshtui`: ``` curl -O "https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/sshtui/raw/branch/main/sshtui" ``` Then install it: ``` sudo install ./sshtui /usr/local/bin/ && rm -f ./sshtui ```