Separate Install/Remove for apt

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Digital Studium 2024-05-26 10:50:57 +03:00
parent 0e95e4306c
commit f580a59be0
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ EOL
action=$(DIALOGRC=/tmp/.dialogrc dialog --stdout --erase-on-exit --menu "Choose the action for apt" 10 40 0 "Install" 1 "Install from .deb file" 2 "Update" 3 "Upgrade" 4 "Remove" 5 "Autoremove" 6)
if [[ $action == "Install" || $action == "Remove" ]]; then
package=$(apt-cache search '' | sort | cut --delimiter ' ' --fields 1 | fzf --multi --cycle --reverse --preview 'apt-cache show {1}')
if [[ $action == "Install" ]]; then
package=$(apt list -qq 2>/dev/null | grep -v installed | cut --delimiter '/' --fields 1 | fzf --multi --cycle --reverse --preview 'apt show 2>/dev/null {1}')
sudo apt ${action,,} $package -y
elif [[ $action == "Remove" ]]; then
package=$(apt list -qq --installed 2>/dev/null | cut --delimiter '/' --fields 1 | fzf --multi --cycle --reverse --preview 'apt show 2>/dev/null {1}')
sudo apt ${action,,} $package -y
elif [[ $action == "Install from .deb file" ]]; then
find . -name "*.deb" | fzf | xargs -I _ sudo apt install -y _