#!/bin/bash set -e trap 'clear' SIGINT cat > /tmp/.dialogrc << EOL # Item color tag_color = (BLACK,WHITE,ON) EOL set +ex action=$(DIALOGRC=/tmp/.dialogrc dialog --stdout --erase-on-exit --menu "Choose the action for git" 10 40 0 'Add all && Commit && Push' 1 "Add all" 2 "Commit" 3 "Push" 4) #echo $action #exit if [[ $action == "Add all && Commit && Push" ]]; then git add . commit_message=$(DIALOGRC=/tmp/.dialogrc dialog --stdout --erase-on-exit --title "$action" --inputbox "Enter the commit message:" 8 40) git commit -"m $commit_message" git push elif [[ $action == "Add all" ]]; then git add . elif [[ $action == "Commit" ]]; then commit_message=$(DIALOGRC=/tmp/.dialogrc dialog --stdout --erase-on-exit --title "$action" --inputbox "Enter the commit message:" 8 40) git commit -"m $commit_message" elif [[ $action == "Push" ]]; then git push fi