# TUI scripts ## Description Terminal user interface scripts for popular cli tools such as apt, systemctl, git, kubectl. Based on dialog and fzf ## Scripts - `a` - for managing apt packages - `g` - for managing git repo - `s` - for managing systemd services - `k` - for managing kubernetes (depends on kubectl) - `r` - for running named commands from ~/.aliases.txt file ![Sripts in action](./images/scripts_in_action.gif) ## Installation ### Ubuntu/Debian-based Download .deb package from [Releases](https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/run/releases), then install it ``` sudo apt install ~/Downloads/tui-scripts_*.deb ``` ### Other linux distros Install dependencies: `fzf`, `dialog`, `xdotool`, `x11-xkb-utils` Then clone this repo and copy all scripts to one of the PATH folder: ``` git clone https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/tui-scripts.git sudo cp tui-scripts/src/{a,g,s,r,k} /usr/local/bin/ ```