59 lines
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59 lines
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## Description
`kls` is a cli tool based on `kubectl` for managing kubernetes cluster resources.
Inspired by `lf` and `ranger` file managers, written in python.
It is lightweight (~400 lines of code) and easy to customize.
Supports keyboard navigation and mouse navigation could be enabled (set MOUSE_ENABLED=True in a line #69).
## Key bindings
### For kubectl
You can customize these bindings or add extra bindings in `KEY_BINDINGS` variable of `kls` in a line #14:
- `Ctrl+y` - get **Y**aml of resource
- `Ctrl+d` - **D**escribe resource
- `Ctrl+e` - **E**dit resource
- `Ctrl+l` - **L**ogs of pod
- `Ctrl+x` - e**X**ec into pod
- `Ctrl+n` - **N**etwork debug of pod (with nicolaka/netshoot container attached)
- `Ctrl+a` - **A**ccess logs of istio sidecar
- `Ctrl+p` - exec into istio-**P**roxy sidecar
- `Ctrl+r` - **R**eveal base64 secret values
- `delete` - delete resource
### Other:
- `/` - enter filter mode
- `Escape` - exit filter mode or `kls` itself
- `Backspace` - remove letter from filter
- `TAB`, arrow keys, `PgUp`, `PgDn`, `Home`, `End` - navigation
![kls in action](./images/kls.gif)
## Dependencies
- `python3`
- `kubectl`
- `bat` - yaml viewer
- `lnav` - log viewer
- `yq` - yaml manipulation
## Installation
Install `batcat` and other dependencies:
sudo apt install bat lnav yq -y
Download and install the latest `kls`:
curl -O "https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/kls/raw/branch/main/kls" && sudo install ./kls /usr/local/bin/ && rm -f ./kls