
980 B



kls is a cli tool based on kubectl for managing kubernetes cluster resources. Inspired by lf and ranger file managers. It is lightweight and easy to customize. Supports mouse navigation as well as keyboard navigation.

Key bindings

For kubectl (You can customize these bindings or add extra bindings in KEY_BINDINGS variable of kls in a row #4):

  • 1 or Enter - get yaml of resource
  • 2 - describe resource
  • 3 - edit resource
  • 4 - logs of pod
  • 5 - exec to pod
  • 6 - network debug of pod (with nicolaka/netshoot container attached)
  • delete - delete resource


  • Escape - exit filter mode or kls itself
  • TAB, arrow keys - navigation

kls in action


  • python3
  • kubectl
  • batcat


Download latest kls:

curl -O "https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/kls/raw/branch/main/kls"

Then install it:

sudo install ./kls /usr/local/bin/