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# TUI scripts
## Description
Terminal user interface scripts for popular cli tools such as `apt`, `systemctl`, `git`, `kubectl`. Based on `dialog` and `fzf`
## Scripts
- `a` - for managing `apt` packages
- `g` - for managing `git` repositories
- `s` - for managing systemd services
- `r` - for running named commands from `~/.aliases.txt` file
![Sripts in action](./images/scripts_in_action.gif)
## Installation
### Ubuntu/Debian-based
Download latest `.deb` package:
curl -O "https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/tui-scripts/releases/download/latest/tui-scripts_$(curl -s https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/tui-scripts/raw/branch/main/VERSION)-1.deb"
Then install it:
sudo apt install ./tui-scripts_*.deb
### Other linux distros
Install dependencies: `fzf`, `dialog`, `xdotool`, `x11-xkb-utils`
Then clone this repo and copy all scripts to one of the PATH folder:
git clone https://git.digitalstudium.com/digitalstudium/tui-scripts.git
sudo cp tui-scripts/src/{a,g,s,r,k} /usr/local/bin/